Yet another conversation with a fellow Facebooker. Was I out of order here or did I have a point? (Don't ever say I pander to a PR machine, trying to make myself out to be a bundle of fluff and loveliness all the time, because I'm not!):

hey, how you doing
how you doing today

good, ill be in London next month

my parents have a flat off Kings Road, we should hang out
you should come by

I'm fine thanks
I think that would be a bit weird, to be honest

why? ha, just to go hang out, dont you like Kings Road?

No, I don't. Snotty and pretentious
I don't like that part of town

Plus, I don't know you, have never met you. I have plenty going on in my life, including a move, so hanging out with complete strangers, as lovely as I'm sure you are, would just be unthinkable.

wow, it seems you have a complex, i was just being polite, and would be cool to hang out, we would have fun, trust me

I don't have a complex at all
You asked me a question
I gave you an answer
I personally feel that it is extremely bizarre to ask to meet up with someone you have never met when there is clearly no purpose other than to be sociable.
It just doesn't sit well with me.
I don't think it is unreasonable of me to say so
Or to express that concern

youve never done that before? i knew i was going to be in London next month, and thought it would be fun to hang out, sorry i offended you

No, I have never done that before. I have met people for the first time for reasons. Not just because I fancied hanging out with them.

so why did you meet them then, for what reason

I have plenty of friends I can call on if I just fancy hanging out with people. Valued friends who deserve my time and attention more so than someone I do not know and owe nothing to.
Usually for business reasons.

Damn, your taking this too seriously, im going to be in London for two weeks, and just wanted to go have fun

That is not to do you down as a person
Sure, and I wish you plenty of fun
I'm sure you will meet some wonderful people
You invited me and I said no
When you extend an invite you have to accept rejections some times.

i allready know a lot of people, but wanted to meet some new ones

Well, I would advise doing it through the normal channels.

ha ha, you think your a counselor or something?

Not at all
Listen, you asked the question. You obviously have little respect for my point of view. So, I have to ask, why would I want to form any kind of connection with someone who has zero respect for my opinion.

wow , you are making this really complicated, i just wanted to hang out, and your making it into this big fiasco

I am not. I said no. Why are you pursuing it?

i dont know, sorry,
just thought it would be fun to hang out, on Kings thats all, i dont know what im going to do when im there

I accept your apology and hope you respect my answer and the reasons I have agree. Whether you agree with them or not is your choice.

ok, wow, i hope your not like this with everyone, you seem like a complicated person,

You asked me a question. I gave you the answer and I explained BRIEFLY why. You then followed it up with a supplementary question. YOU made it complicated not ME.

dude, i was just saying lets go hang out, and you made it into this big complex shit

I have to question why ME? Why you are pursuing it so rigorously? And why, if you already have friends here, you would therefore want to hand out with me?

And am finding your persistence, EVEN NOW, really quite concerning.
Read back
YOU made it complex, not me
I have been perfectly decent and respectful

I could just have said NO and ignored you
But I didn't
I believe you deserved more than that
So I gave you a brief explanantion]
You weren't satsified with the reason I gave
So I elaborated
You then have the audacity to apologise and then, once you apologised, to carry on yet again!
What an insincere apology!!!!

wow, what a rant, i didnt realize i would piss you off like that

Nor did I. But clearly, through your thoughtlessness, insincerity and lack of respect for my point of view, you have.
I am only human.

i am too, and i just simply was wanting to hang out thats it, you made it really complicated

We're getting nowhere. Clearly I have made the right decision. You are disrespectful and also have the incapacity to recognise where YOU made it complicated, not ME
UPDATE - here's a response he sent to my Facebook inbox after I notified him that I published the conversation:
ReplyDelete"wow you really posted that? can you please take that offline, you stupid peace of shit, you must have been abused as a child, because you are really weird, please take that offline before i sue your stupid fucking ass, what trash
you better take that shit offline before i sue your ass, im a lawyer you dumbass, are you really that dumb to post shit like that? and that bored? wow,"
Oh dear, perhaps you should just have a prepared response in future for people wanting to randomly meet. Maybe... "Hello and thanks for contacting me, that is very kind of you, if you are interested in my services then please see my website www...etc.
I do think you were way too fare with this dushbag, he deserved it ...
Do not pay attention to those silly comments, it is just jealously, you are perfection, and they are... not, so keep up the hard work.... btw do you have Tumblr? if u do, let me know, i wanna follow you there
This guy Danny Rashid is obviously a real ass-hole and, no, you were not at all rude. You politely indicated that you had no interest in "hanging out" with him and he kept pursuing the issue. You were right to post both the initial conversation and his follow-up. Perhaps he will learn something from this and maybe not. Either way, Bravo and well done!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see that it's not just the female condition that somehow induces this kind of entitled, arseholey behaviour. Clearly, there's a certain type of man who thinks that the object of their desires should be eager to listen to them make bizarre and rude propositions, and inflicts these kinds of interactions on people of either gender!
ReplyDeleteNicely handled, I think.